make out

suomi-englanti sanakirja

make out englannista suomeksi

  1. antaa ymmärtää

  2. muhinoida

  3. tajuta

  4. selvittää

  5. täyttää

  6. ymmärtää, saada selvää

  7. onnistua

  8. kirjoittaa

  9. väittää

  10. lemmiskellä

  1. Verbi

  2. kirjoittaa

  3. saada selvää, hahmottaa, tunnistaa

  4. pärjätä

  5. teeskennellä; saada näyttämään (joltakin)">saada näyttämään (joltakin)

  6. muhinoida, nuolla

make out englanniksi

  1. To up (a document etc.), to designate (a cheque) (m) a given recipient, payee. (defdate)

  2. (ux)

  3. To send out. (defdate)

  4. (RQ:KJV)

  5. To discern; to manage to see, hear etc. (defdate)

  6. ''In the distance, I could just make out a shadowy figure.''

  7. August 16 2014, Daniel Taylor, "Swansea upstage Manchester United in Louis van Gaal’s Premier League bow," '''':

  8. There was a startling lack of creativity and if (w) had listened closely he would have made out the mocking chants from the away end, as the visiting fans embarked on the repertoire of songs that formed the soundtrack to (w)’s time in the job.
  9. (RQ:Falkner Moonfleet)

  10. To manage, get along; to do (well, badly etc.). (defdate)

  11. 1931, (w), letter, 5 June:

  12. Regarding money—I shall economize and make out probably very well from now on—without any outside help.
  13. (quote-book)

  14. To represent; to make (something) appear to be true. (defdate)

  15. 2002, (w), All American Girl (novel)|''All-American Girl'', 2003 Harper Trophy paperback edition, (ISBN), page 134:

  16. She hadn't invited me to a party at her house since the third grade, and here she was, making out like we'd never stopped being friends.
  17. To embrace and kiss passionately. (defdate)

  18. To engage in petting or intercourse. (defdate)